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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Potomac Fever

Washington, DC is the center for American politics.  
Washington, DC is where change happens. 
Washington, DC is my passion.

Americans are lucky enough to live in a country where the capital is virtually completely open to it's people.  Cross through a few security checks and you are in the heart of American laws, heirlooms, and the foundations a nation stands upon.  I'm drawn to movies and books with DC as the setting.  Thinking about being in DC, working for my country (specifically in the law field), trying to make a difference ignites a spark inside my heart.  It is strange for a place to be a passion, but everything I want to do in my life stems from DC. Politics is my passion.  Change is my passion.  Law is my passion.  History is my passion.  DC combines all those into one wonderfully chaotic bunch.   I was looking for a really snazzy quote to put here about Washington, but as I look for quotes all I see is negativity.  People have lost faith in their government, so in turn Washington, but ironically, the people who can "fix" what they think is broken and the place they need to go is DC!  It's strange, I know, but the things that really get me excited in life are the same things that make other people want to pull out their hair.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley,
    You'll do great in Politics! I know that you are going to end up in DC one day, and I trust that you will be one to make this country better than it is today. Never give up on this passion, and no matter how tough the journey may be...remember to never stray from it! Proud of you!
